My Journey towards Allah — Who is in control?

1 min readJun 19, 2022



There will be a time in your life, when you will realize you are not in control. There is divine, who has all the control. No matter how hard you try, you can never control your life or events happening in your life. And that moment of realization is beautiful, you submit to your creator in true sense, although you ask for guidance too, because your creator has given you a freewill!

Like it is said the road does not go where you have planned, rather it will go where it is written to be !

Have you ever pondered upon it? Or Have you ever experienced it yet?

As a human being, I am suppose to have my lows and highs in my life. There would be success and failures, happiness and sadness, right and wrongs. But what I choose to do with it. Sometimes I dwell upon it. Sometimes I am rather trying to be patient with it. Sometimes I am sad. Other times, I am ignorant. And most of the times, I turn to my creator because he knows me better than I know myself.

And ask for guidance and contentment!

